Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tell Krasna Yeshiva what you think about their menahel

1364-66 42nd St
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Kings County
Phone: (718) 438-3535

Monday, March 19, 2007

Klein is a sadistic absuer who needs to be kept far away from children

Heshy's story.

Setting: Machane Ohel Baruch d'Krasna, the Yeshiva's summer camp in upstate NY.

I was about 10 years old at the time. We would learn in the woods in little booths which we called budkeleach. Me and a friend (who was a bit slow and prone to being teased by the rest of his classmates but I nevertheless befriended) were talking behind the booths and we gradually began to walk away toward the forest. Before we knew it we were both lost; we couldn’t see the booths anymore and we both started to panic. All kinds of horrific thoughts began to flood my mind. Images of my dead body lying in the forest being ravaged by animals seemed vivid and real. Me -in my childhood naivete- seriously thought that this would be my end. We decided to continue walking nonetheless and see if there was a path to lead us back to the camp. We finally did find a path which took us us to the other side of camp and we both went to his bunk house (since I was a commuter)to rest and we both promised to give tzedaka etc.

Suddenly some kid appears telling us that the menahel (Nuchem Klein) is looking for us and that we are in major trouble. What happened next will forever be seared into my memory. This happened more than a decade ago but I still bear the emotional scars to this day.

I was brought into class along with my friend. We were both lain over 2 chairs and the menahel proceeded to beat us with a tree branch on our backs. Not a minor beating mind you; I was beaten and humiliated for about 2 hours if not more.. And to add insult to injury I was surrounded by those fucking accursed snot nosed little Chassidish kids in the class all clamoring to get a better view of our humiliation. I have never in my entire life felt so violated and humiliated. As I was being beaten the kids would constantly say other nasty things about me like how I skipped the learning class one day and went to the canteen instead etc. and for each of these "offenses" I would receive more beatings.

I came home that day and I was silent my back was bloodied and bruised for weeks afterwards. I hid my wounds , I don’t know why I didnt tell anyone, maybe like many victims of abuse I was blaming myself for what had happened , who knows? I didn’t go back to camp after that I just stayed home all day while my mother tried to convince me to go back. I remember one day my mother spotted my wounds and she asked me what happened and I gave some kind of evasive answer. she did not choose to investigate further.

I have come a long way from those days. I have since completely moved away from the Chassidic community and am currently enrolled as a full time student in College but the memories of the violent abuse that I was the recipient of- as well as the knowledge that this and worse has been (and continued to be) a commonplace occurence in this institution gives me no rest.

Apparently Stories of Klein's severe physical abuse as well as his manipulation and intimidation of both children and adults strech back several decades. When I first mentioned this story somewhere I received the following anonymous e-mail:

"I noticed on your blog your exposing 2 people of Krasna, i wonder if you have more info from people about krasna, because its the worst Talmud Torah in Boro park.

Nochim Klein is a ROTZAICH, Rosha Merisha, and he absolutely does not belong to be around kids, we must start a huge campaign to oust him.

I know many stories of him, but all parents are very scared of him, he is a manipulator and dictator, and continuously threatens parents if they complain. he has been at the helm of krasna for over 20 years, that is way to long. there isn't a single Rabbi in Krasna who has a good word on him. They all hate him with a passion.

In general Krasna runs a very shady education systems, in the last 3 years the Menhal Goshmi have changed 3 hands, and is about to change again".

Well it is clear that this man has no business being around kids. He must be brought down before he kills more yiddishe neshamas.

Nuchem Klein Menahel of Yeshiva Beis Hillel D'krasna in Boro Park

Nachum Klein -Menahel of Krasna Yeshiva in Boro Park , your time has come!
Nachum Klein serves as Menahel of a small Yeshiva in Boro Park called Yeshiva Beis Hillel D'krasna. Klein is a cowardly nazi-like sadistic abuser who seems to derive pleasure out of beating young children. Stories of severe physical abuse as well as his manipulation and intimidation of both children and adults strech back several decades. This man has no business being around kids. He must be brought down before he kills more yiddishe neshamas.

Please e-mail me if you have had any bad experiences with this person. Your e-mail address and your message content will be held strictly confidential.

In my next post, a vivid description of horrific physical abuse at the hands of this monster.